The third novel in a series of Joe Anderson adventures: The Navigator: A Perilous Passage, Evasion at Sea and The Navigator II: Irish Revenge. In the latest story, The Navigator III: Repossession, the CIA sends Joe to Cuba to sneak aboard their seized and impounded ship and surreptitiously sail it out of Havana Harbor. A bold and dangerous mission turns comical when Joe’s girlfriend Mary and her zany friend Frances decide on their own to take a tour to Havana. Repossession novel is now available at
I am having issues checking out your site. I cannot find any information pertaining to your book. I hope you can offer me some help. Sorry to bother you.
Adriana Lucas
lsarkard AT
Please look at the black band under the photo above, and click on The Navigator Novels. It will bring up a page with links to the books’ webpages on Amazon. Thanks for your interest!