The third novel in a series of Joe Anderson adventures: The Navigator: A Perilous Passage, Evasion at Sea and The Navigator II: Irish Revenge. In the latest story, The Navigator III: Repossession, the CIA sends Joe to Cuba to sneak aboard their seized and impounded ship and surreptitiously sail it out of Havana Harbor. A bold and dangerous mission turns comical when Joe’s girlfriend Mary and her zany friend Frances decide on their own to take a tour to Havana. Repossession novel is now available at
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Experience Northern Ireland!
The Navigator II: Irish Revenge is now available at in both paperback and Kindle versions. It is a sequel to The Navigator.
Posing as a recreational sailor in Northern Ireland in the summer of 2015, undercover agent Joe Anderson falls for fiery young Fiona Brennan and, with the aid of her brother, infiltrates the Real Irish Republican Army. In his efforts to save her from the violence and hatred of religious and political discord, Joe is caught up in a web of deadly intrigue. Finding himself alienated from his CIA handlers, he has only his native Irish friend, Big Ryan, to count on. Joe learns much about the long, bitter history and finds that in Northern Ireland the desire for deadly vengeance is far from over.
In this adventure/thriller, which also relates much of the history of sectarian dissent, Joe Anderson encounters an apprentice bomb maker, an alcoholic former priest, a wealthy unionist couple, a retired and embittered policeman of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, and a number of terrorist thugs bent on violence and mayhem.
Writing this sequel to The Navigator: A Perilous Passage, Evasion at Sea, Steve Coleman employs his intimate knowledge of Northern Ireland along with his experience sailing offshore of the Irish and Scottish coasts.
Click here to find The Navigator II: Irish Revenge at
For a link to the book at Amazon’s British site ( click here.
Welcome aboard! This website offers stories, poems, photos, and maybe a painting or two. I will add new pages from time to time.
My latest novel, The Navigator II: Irish Revenge, is an adventure/thriller set in Nothern Ireland. See the reviews on amazon by clicking here.
The photo above was taken by Joe Slater from his boat as Sumter and I sailed aboard Krystal with Kevin and Arline Balmer in July 2011. We were sailing from Rathlin Island to the River Bann in Northern Ireland. Benbane Head, located just east of Giant’s Causeway, is in the background.
To see my first novel, The Navigator: A Perilous Passage, Evasion at Sea please click here for its location on or, if in Europe, click this link for Once on the webpage, you can find a link to the Kindle version as well.
A sequel to the first novel, The Navigator II: Irish Revenge, has become available on October 20, 2016. Please click here for a link.
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